Saturday, April 14, 2018

What a mess

Memories by Ryan Stewart is on.  That is an apt way to describe my afternoon, yesterday.  I was still working my usual shift in the morning.  I got a call from work.  I had to wait to later to respond because I was in the middle of things with "Mary".  Work peeps were calling to ask me a huge favor.  Long story short, the current caregiver had royally screwed up.  The daughter in law was begging for a replacement, like yesterday.  Enter the call to me.  If I can't do it, I will say no.  But since Jeremy is working, and I knew I'd get home to make "Ethan" and I dinner at a reasonable time, I decide to take it.  Plus, "Ethan" would've fend for himself had he needed to.  I just don't want him to.  I'm his Mama.  I like doing it.  I came in to a client that look so confused and a little traumatized by all the commotion of things.  Things settled down but it was really a mess for about an hour.  I needed to establish trust with the client.  She responded to me right away but the last caregiver had failed her and I needed her to feel "safe" around me.  The daughter in law stayed for a bit.  She was so grateful I was there.  She even sent a commendation to my work.  I'm filling in again until they can figure out a solution.  They need a permanent assignment person or persons.  I can't give them all my days.  I can give one day.  So we'll see how that goes.  I couldn't believe what the caregiver had said.  Work peeps were so mortified and embarrassed.  You gotta represent the company well.  Ughs.  There is a certain personality or nature to this job.  I don't understand how the caregiver felt way in over her head.  Yes, there is more care to certain client for needs.  But...come on.  Whatever...What a mess!

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