Monday, October 7, 2013

Gets you thinking

I had an extraordinary conversation with one of my friends.  Because of the less pleasant experiences in my romantic life I can truly appreciate what I have with Jeremy.  By no means is it perfect. In got me thinking...certain words really irk me.  I don't like perfect. I mean...who really is? Nothing is ever what it seems.  and honesty has a certain unrealistic expectation put upon it.  Being blunt, straightforward, and those remind of a more realistic view of honesty.  Love doesn't have reason.  On paper...Jeremy do not make sense.  He's so logical and sees things in black and white. I'm all over the place. My logic makes sense to me but perhaps not others.  I live in more grey areas.  And yet...we make it work.  That love helps me step out into the world with a more confident part of my "self".  I trust in Jeremy,  I value his thoughts.  And that in of itself is truth I can work with.

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