Monday, December 25, 2017


Whew. We did it! We got through the holidays! Now, it's time to look towards the New Year.  I'm excited.  I'll be turning 41, which you would think I'd be freaking out but I'm looking forward to turning 41.  Personally, I think I look pretty good for 40! Good genes.  And Philosophy.  I love that stuff!!! Lucky for me, I got some for Christmas.  Jeremy and I are doing our little tradition of eating at an Asian place and going to a movie today.  But we also have plenty of tamales to get through! I just wanted to say hi and hope you are doing well, my quiet spaces.  You have been a constant gift to me.  In those more troubled days, you were a silent anchor for me.  Now, I write to give you acknowledgement of your contribution to me well being.  I did the work to heal myself.  I made the choices to work on myself.  But in the quiet spaces you reside, you gave me hope.  You gave me peace.  You gave me a voice I didn't even know I needed to have.  So, thank you.  OH! I've been trying to learn new languages.  There is an app where I have been trying to brush up on my Spanish and Swedish, which I know some.  However, for personal reasons, I chose to also learn French and Polish.  Je vous remercie pour le soin.  Maybe one day I will blog entirely in French, just for you.  I have a large following in France.  Go figure.  The least I can do is pay homage in some way. 

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