Monday, November 17, 2014

Writing and blogging is therapy

Talking to a therapist is first and foremost the best way to utilize therapeutic skills.  However, life doesn't always work out that way.  Writing in a journey helps to gait what you are feeling...that moment...that feeling.  It helps you reflect on things.  At least...that's my take on things.  Blogging has been therapy.  Putting my thoughts into the world. I feel like it's yelling into the void...but with a whisper.  What is most extraordinary is that people have read.  I once said that by one person reading it would change me.  Imagine my surprise when it was more than one.  Silent audience.  I thank you.  In a strange way you helped me deal with the ins and outs of my issues.  Toxic friends, relationship issues, inner turmoil with myself, philosophical queries.  Writing like this has been amazing.  I look forward to it everyday of the week.  I take weekends off.  But everyday I look forward to writing something of some substantial.  Or even a silly.  Because let's face it.  Sometimes we need a little silly too.  Perhaps it's this weather making me think of past years.  Where I was during this time.  Yes. Right now. My struggle is a test.  My issues have been in my head.  I'm not saying I won't fail again when I take it.  I'm just saying that I need to stop going crazy in my head.  Here's something to know about me.  I am a happy person.  I am an upbeat person.  But when I have the "blues"'s like I turn all Eyore

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