Saturday, June 3, 2017

Certainly a memory now

You know the words you say...I'll never forget when I....

I think I can successfully say that about Lovie's big day.  I had it all planned out.  I was going to take pictures.  I was going to capture that moment.  What I hadn't counted on was being on the wrong side of the stadium.  Or that the succession of how the graduates was going was nothing I had ever noticed before.  It went from left to right as an alphabetical way.  But when the names got called out, it was like starting from the top of the alphabet...and the bottom.  My poor brain, with all my excitement going on, struggled to keep up with the names.  I started looking at the program.  Jeremy helped me to remember pause for a name you won't see...and then look for a name that goes closer to Lovie's name.  Soooo...there I's about to happen.  Then name is called.  I scream my head the auditorium.  Can you imagine that? That's not the crazy part.  I could handle making a fool out of myself for that one moment. was the next part. I forgot that stadium seats come up.  And down I went.  I wanted to say..."I swear, people".  "I'm not drunk!" And I lost the shot.  I managed to capture one before he takes the official picture with the principal.  So I didn't feel like a complete failure.  Jeremy took video and I got to enjoy it later.  And some official pictures came through a website where I downloaded them.  But there you have it.  I'll never forget when I fell and missed one of the biggest moments of my Lovie's life.  It's pure Jess.  I'm laughing now.  It's a funny story now.  I hope graduations you are enjoying have as much funny and happiness.  And the next time you have a bad day...I'll never forget when I read some blogger fell off her chair.  I feel like a short story somewhere.  !Quick...someone write it! It's certainly a memory now

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