Tuesday, October 24, 2017

That escalated quickly

Those were the words I thought in my head, Saturday.  For privacy sake, I can't go into it.  7 hours and 15 minutes was perfect.  After that...it was something else. 
Now, since I can't really blog about that...what else?
My panel? 4 of the most amazing women.  I have worked hard for my healing.  I went to therapy.  I changed perspectives and approaches on things.  But part of why I am doing so well these days has to do with their support.  And that support goes both ways.  I am so happy to be there for them.  When you are navigating life and trying to forge friendships and communications, you hit and miss.  It's part of life.  But when you find the puzzle pieces.  And they fit just so.  It feels good.  It makes sense.  At least, that's what it does for me.  Also, now that Jeremy and I have been on track for some time now, I feel comfortable when I seek his support too.  I had missed our friendship.  We sort of let that part of our relationship fall apart.  I don't say best friend much to him anymore.  But he never stopped being mine.  And I never stopped being his.  We just are.  And we know.  Again.  Approach.  Now that I have more confidence, I don't feel the need to hear certain things I know.  Especially when it comes to Jeremy.  I just know.  Funny how that works. So...that's the blog today.  I am off work.  But having coffee with a friend.  She'd rather not go to Starbucks so we have been finding local coffee shops.  Europe had the coffee cafe or coffee shop vibe in some areas and I imagine that is what she is missing. Off I go.  Hope you have a spectacular day, my quiet spaces.  I don't know who you are.  Yet, I love you.  For reading my thoughts.  It does something for me.  US quiet spaces, you make me smile.  Out of US quiet spaces, you make me curious.  You make me intrigued.  Either way, both of you, quiet spaces make me grateful. 

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