Monday, May 7, 2018

3rd Honeymoon

Honestly, that's what this weekend felt like.  I flew out to see Jeremy.  "Ethan" was holding down the fort, making sure the furball was doing okay.  I flew out on the 4th, the unofficial Star Wars Day.  I got a nice comment on my shirt.  The TSA guy said anyone who is from the rebels can't be all that bad.  I loved it.  Seeing Jeremy for the first time in a long time was just...crazy.  Time stood still for just a few seconds.  We kissed, and smiled.  We were really in front of each other.  I was famished.  We went to a local Steakhouse called the Claim Jumper.  The next day I would find out why that bizarre name made sense.  Eternity by David Tolk is on.  I'm trying to help you picture my journey.  Even with a soundtrack.  lol I can't even tell you the elation I had holding his hand.  Something as simple as holding hands got me...giddy? Jeremy got us a hotel so we could have privacy. His roommate not appreciate the married couple whom haven't seen each other for a while.  I asked for La Quinta.  I seem to like La Quintas.  We got up the next day for the breakfast.  Jeremy said there was a restaurant on the very top of Mount Lemon.  So we took our time with driving up.  We stopped a few times so I could take pictures.  We took even more time up by starting to hike it.  What an adventure for me.  That's not me.  I don't do that kind of stuff.  But I joked around he had vacation wife.  And vacation wife was daring.  And daring, I was .  Finding my Way by Liquid Mind is on.
I even have the pictures and video to prove it.  It was an amazing experience being up there with Jeremy.  I unplugged for the day.  I was on Jeremy time.  It felt good.  There is a restaurant at the top of the mountain.  Did I mention the elevation is over 9,000 by the time you get to the place.  That's insane.  We went on a ski lift.  In the winter, this place gets a lot of skiers.  One of the ski slopes is called Claim Jumper.  Ah.... It all makes sense now.  Iron Door is the name of the restaurant.  I was still trying to wrap myself around this place.  We were discussing the commute and trying to imagine it.  Finally, I asked my waitress how long the commute was.  It's an hour.  They commute in a van together, most of the time.  It's about loving the mountains so much you want to work at this place.  It's something else.  I imagined it like a castle in the sky feeling from an anime I had seen.  Just with a rustic vibe.  Our view outside was incredible.  I had never experienced nature so closely.  All this was a new experience.  Normally, I shy away from this.  But this weekend, I happily greeted it and embraced the challenge.  Jeremy has climbed some things.  He has done hiking.  He is more of an outside guy.  He's definitely more outdoorsy than I am.  I am such a city girl.  But I dressed for the occasion.  I even bought new tennis shoes for work but broke them in this weekend
Momentarily had to stop.  Work called.  I needed to take off today.  But figured I would get myself back to work.  And by next week I have Monday and Friday taken care of.  I have a potential Tuesday.  We'll see how it goes tomorrow.  Our reality works right now.  It's not ideal. But it's for a good cause and we both know it.  And we make a great team.  We have struggled with things.  But I am so happy we got through our issues.  Marriage is work.  But both of us feel this marriage is worth it.  And we put in the communication, support, understanding, and compromise to make it a beautiful marriage.  There's a lot of things I thought I had to say.  Instead, our actions, this weekend spoke louder than words...and volumes.  Here's to us, babe.

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