Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Bully and bulldoze

Do we even known when we do it? As a society I think we have lost sight of being "honest and blunt" or giving our opinions.  Granted, we don't to sugar coat everything.  But somehow, I see how approach that many will make and it forces me to make a conscious decision on how I interact with people. I don't want to bully and bulldoze.  I want to be as open as I can possibly be.  I owe that to Jeremy.  I wanted to learn a different way to approach things.He was happy to teach it.  However, I needed to approach with my own version of logic.  I customized it somehow, in order to fit in line with my comfort level and logic.  Something to think about.  


  1. There is a step between staying silent and being painfully honest; it's called tact.

    You can also follow Dear Abby's rule for telling someone something:
    - Is it true?
    - Is it helpful?
    - Is it kind?

    If it's not all three, figure out another way to share the information, or keep it to yourself.

  2. Thank you! I'd been racking my brain trying to remember where I had come across the "rules." I appreciate you reading this and commenting. It means a lot.
