Friday, July 10, 2015

Quick to judge

Why is it easier to be quick to judge.  I mean, our human nature is putting someone down.  Granted, it is okay to have a human moment and recognize...I'm having a catty moment.  But why are we ready to insult someone? Social media has been great about amplifying that.  I have to remind myself not to look at comments of things. Otherwise, I go nuts with how many people will say mean things.  I am no saint. I don't claim to be on any measure.  But I do hope that I find a compliment or see something positive out of people, first.  Maybe that's why it was easier to have my version of Jeremy's zen.  I still have my quick moments to want to get mad.  They're there. But that logical side to me is stronger.  It even works on fights with Jeremy.  I acknowledge to him how he's annoying me but without the sardonic tone to it.  What's nice is he reacts better with it too.  I tend to react to being "done wrong.". But what if I'm misinterpreting that "done wrong".  Sometimes I am being wronged. And sometimes I am just getting the wrong signal.  Instead of quick to judge the person on the negative I go through the positive of their communication.  Maybe, just maybe it can start with me. Maybe in some small way, I'm a domino effect I will never see of good vibes.

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