Thursday, November 9, 2017

It's gotten to be

It's gotten to be my favorite kind of weather.  For most of the year, I drink iced coffee.  However, at a certain point, I switch to hot coffee or even more preferable, hot tea.  I have so much tea, I have a tea shelf.  I love that friends will get me that.  It warms my heart.  Most of the tea I have in the cabinet shelf is from a gift.  I had a chance to take on a new permanent assignment for only Thursdays.  The hours seemed ideal.  But somehow, it didn't fit.  Oh, something happened yesterday that doesn't happen every day.  I got to work with a fire going.  It kind of made me day.  When I got home, I had some pumpkin spice chai tea.  It's also coming up on holidays.  It's around the time I miss my grandma so much.  She loved that time.  She loved family time.  I figured something out about healing and pain.  The more time passes, the memory of pain fades.  There's been time to grieve.  But the memory of emotion doesn't.  It made sense in my head.  I probably have this on my mind because I found out one of my old elementary classmates passed away recently.  Joe always had a kind heart.  He was just a good guy.  Every day, if I can help it, I thank God and/or the Universe for letting me live one more day.  And for letting us live one more day.  Friends, family.  Perhaps, the cold weather has a way of permeating our thoughts to deeper things.  To more sad but deep and thoughtful moments.  Symmetry by Yuri Sazonoff is on.  I'm not sure.  I just thought I would share things that were on my mind.  This week has been a tired week for me.  I had a migraine that was developing for a couple of days.  It finally hit on Monday night.  Luckily, I have medicine and I wasn't working the next day. I felt better yesterday.  But I felt ....slower.  And even today.  Slower.  And maybe, that's okay. 

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