Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The small things

It's the small things in life that make it very sweet.  When you surround yourself with positive people and the kind that encourage you to find the best version of sort of grab on and cherish them.  It's not to say that all friends that don't bring that to the table are bad.  I'm just learning that I don't nearly have enough patience for those who don't.  That is a quality I am accepting of myself.  The support system comes in many forms.  Sometimes it's family.  Sometimes it's friends who might as well be family.  I cherish my friendships that I have surrounded myself with.  I learn different things from them.  I have learned I don't need to box them in one label or another. In fact, there is no box.  There is only friendship.  And there is a certain give and take that I appreciate from my support system.  We don't have to talk everyday.  But I do want to know that you cherish all of my craziness.  I don't mind that we come at crossroads.  In fact, it might make us grow.  I just want to know you cherish me.  Not because I'm there. That helps...but because you want me there.  Not need me there.  Studying does get me in tunnel vision mode.  I appreciate the small ways you show that you are share my journey. I don't feel alone.

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