Monday, January 19, 2015


The interesting about truth is that opinions get thrown around as though that is the very truth of a topic.  I'll be honest.  I'm guilty of leaning towards information by way of opinion and turning into truth.  However, as I grow older I am learning that truth is relative.  There is always versions of truth.  I must remember that when someone claims to be an expert or have certain authority over truth.  I must also remember that certain personalities cannot see past their own opinion.  Their very nature is self absorbed that open mindedness is not something the seek, even if they claim to be open minded.  I strive to be open minded. I don't know if I achieve that.  I don't mind being seen as aspiring but never achieving it.  It helps me to continue to seek truth in its purest form.  Accuracy is rare these days.  It's hard to see anything for truth.  That is why questioning helps an individual to find their own truth.  Respect that journey.  Embrace that journey.  Accuracy may not always look like truth.  But even embellishments have their purpose. 

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