Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Emotional bank account

Among the many wonderful things one of the bffs and I talked about today, we talked about emotional bank accounts.  It's a wonderful feeling to be overflowing with overwhelming amount of emotional currency.  I have what I think of as my panel.  There is the big 3.  These 3 marvelous women come from different perspectives and points of view but that's what I love about them.  Also, that they have my best interest in mind.  I have a fourth friend that is in a planet all her own.  But that's because she and I have been on a similar journey.  Imagine that another me was running around.  Yet, it wasn't me.  It's a chance to see what this other me with different life paths evolved into.  And that is why I say she is on a different planet.  There are others, while not quite best friends, still have important impact on my life that their feedback means alot.  But here's an interesting evolution too.  I started listening to my own thoughts.  My own voice.  In a way, I created a bank account for myself as well, on self love.  I think we forget to do that for ourselves.  I am not talking about when we are seflish.  There's a difference.  I am talking about when we stand up for ourselves.  We see ourselves as a priority as well.  When we allow ourselves some time to recharge, decompress, clear our heads, or any outlet that is just us.  Sometimes my self love involves doing something for myself while sharing it with someone.  And then other times, self love is doing something simple as blogging.  And sometimes self love is asking for something because it means something to you.  Wine...in a bathtub...with the lights off seems like such a simple task.  But for an Epileptic, it's a little more complicated.  It means asking for supervision.  And for years, I thought that was too much self love to ask for.  Silly me.  Now, I take baths on the weekend like it was nothing.  Sometimes I involve Jeremy.  And sometimes, I just want to be left alone in my bath time.  And in the middle of the day, I asked for wine....because I could lol.
I had to remind myself that while I thought it was selfish to ask for that...it is a way to give myself self love.
I periodically check my own bank account to make sure I am taking care of myself.  I got a manicure and a pedicure with one of my best friends, the other day.  And it doesn't take much for my emotional bank account to fill.  That's the beauty I know of my bank account.  Sometimes, it's even doing something for someone else that replenishes my self love.  Therapy is helping me to see my value.  It's one thing to hear the words.  It's another to believe it.  I've come such a long way on my journey.  I'm still not done.  But my healing journey is a beautiful one.  And I get to share the good, the bad, and the healing with one person who gets me.  Even sometimes when he doesn't.  There's a God awful picture of us.  Which I intend to show you guys.  Honestly, it's not the best one of us.  But it's also one of my favorites.  Because I know what I was feeling.  I know what he was feeling.  I didn't cry at the finish line.  I was just there, in the moment...running towards the finish line.  And I had Jeremy by my side...literally.

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