Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Not having all the answers

Oh how I so don't have all the answers.  Anyone who thinks I do hasn't seen..well this.  This mess I am letting out right now.  It's almost amusing if it wasn't me feeling this.  I mean..really I would be saying "First World problems".  Actually, I think I will say that to myself.  My only consolation is that it means something to me so hey...Sleep eludes me sometimes.  I wake up and I feel like I haven't slept that much.  I almost made it not waking up at all.  I had a day where I didn't feel it and was back.  Is it a cloud? Is this what depression looks like? I'm confused if it is because I really don't have anything to be depressed about.  It seems more like anxiety.  It just explodes inside.  And then the 100 thoughts a minute happens.  And it becomes all too much for me.  Especially because right now all I want to focus is the test.  And then there's that.  When I walk away from it I still think about the answers...So am I really resting my brain.  And then I ponder things.  Like have I turned into this so called "negative nancy?" Or is it more Eyore(depressed donkey)? Again...I don't know what the hell this is.  It started small and just sort of a fungus.  It's exploded on me and I don't really sure how to stop or what to do with it.  Maybe this is just f*cked up version of a chemical imbalance.  I'm crazy, aren't I? I mean...usually it's the good kind.  But this is what crazy feels like..doesn't it?

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