Thursday, September 10, 2015


Wow.  What a moment.  I had some strange breakthrough.  There's this song.  More than words.  Certain songs have haunting very traumatic triggers for me.  I've tried over the years to reprogram my emotional side to not be consumed by hearing it.  It's still a very slow process.  Unchained Melody is now a very beautiful song to hear and I no longer get triggered.  The same cannot be said for More than Words.  That song haunts me.  I've been avoiding that song for years.  He tried to pin that song on me.  And I wanted to be angry at this song. I loathed that song.  But today I cried...I've always cried at this song.  But this time, I cried happy tears.  Because I was free of this song.  This song no longer had its power over me.  It was a such a breakthrough that I was laughing...then crying...then laughing again.  I also bought a beanie baby that was a unicorn named Rarity, because damn it...I am lol. And maybe my crazy life, maybe some of the rough things in my life that could send a person over the edge were a blueprint or map for someone else. Enough to hurt themselves...nooooo not Jess. She was tooooo stubborn for that shit. Laugh. Laugh with me.  Because I'm so stubborn.  My revenge on that..not even the person...but the event is to take life by the horns and hold on for dear life for the ride. This crazy roller coaster ride in life that I just live.  I experience things.  I fall...and then I get back up again. I love.  I fail...but then I really don't.  I just learn from it.  And then it's not a mistake any more.  It's just a lesson learned.  So..More than words.  I finally can smile at this song.  Thank you, Universe.

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