Monday, August 8, 2016

It's funny

It's funny.  In one moment, a domino effect can happen.  It's easy to blow up.  Cowards blow up.  Believe me.  I was a coward in the past.  My anger for the sh*t that I got in my life would spew unto people who deserved it...and others that didn't it.  I was an equal opportunity bitch.  Then, Jeremy happened.  Let's just saw the taming of the shrew experience.  He holds the key to me toning down.  Whether I like to admit it or not.  Whether he even deserves it.  I don't always think Jeremy deserves it.  But I have learned for better or worse really goes a long way.  We've had more better than worse, for sure.  I can't imagine doing this marriage thing with anyone else.  And I like him 90-95% of the time.  But in all of this, I take a step back...and I choose.  I choose to give people the shine and sparkle.  I choose to be a positive impact on a person's life.  I haven't succeeded on if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.  That's still a work in progress. And then you have the other fun of who is telling the truth? Am I? Is my blog full of half truths and lies? Or just giving thoughts and spew in my head.  That's something to think about.  I'd like to think I am walking on truth, authenticity, and other open perspective as much as possible.  But really, I could be full of sh*t.  I'm sure a handful of people think that.  So what am I trying to say? I have no idea.  This wave of thought is just going forward.  I'm not even thinking twice about what I type.  Life is like a hurricane.  I loathe country now.  I actually used to like it.  But when I like the Angry Carrie Underwood and Miranda Lambart songs...and wouldn't mind smashing a my's time to get a drink and take off the edge.  or take a chill pill.   For a gift once, I got a bat.  Yes.  A bat.  Long story.  I gave it away.  It went to a good cause. But the reason I gave it away was because I felt compelled not to symbolic have the bat.  In my head, I felt it put me on the other side of something I didn't believe in.   But I choose with every fiber of my being not to be angry at the world.  Some days are easier.  Most days I like people.  But even a person like me can't people certain days.  But I put on my big girl panties...and face the world.  Now, shoo....And go be awesome.  The Great Divide by Breaking Benjamin is on.  I wasn't in a Pandora kind of mood.  They're good.  A bit depressing.  But good.  I hope you have enjoyed my you tube selection of music.  I really like putting them up now.

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