Monday, August 15, 2016

One or the other

It was something on my mind today.  Online versus reality.  Facebook, instagram, and other vehicles of social media create an image of us to the world.  Question we mean to only show the best version of us or fake? As a post the other day, I pondered that question.   Is it airing laundry?Or is it simply being honest? If someone is a certain way are they being an asshole? Or just being honest or themselves? Or are you being negative or are you telling it like it is? Perspective might be the most important clue to this.  And is either one really wrong or write. Is it one or the other, or both? Even people.  They might show certain sides to themselves to only certain people.  People we work with? People we are married to? People who have different levels of friendship.  Is it walls that we need to push down or wait for others to push them down themselves? Or is it being authentic as much as you can, at all times.  The truth is...I don't know anymore.  All I know is my path.  And even that path is a little wonky at times.  But I have a responsibility to myself for my path.  And that's it.  Sometimes I feel like a walking reference manual.  You take my experiences and figure how the relate to your experience of what to do...or not to do. Or not accept any of what I say.  That's an option too.  We all take different paths.  This is just the one I know to take.  Whisperchill by Liquid Mind is on.

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