Tuesday, August 27, 2013

When you have a moment

As I was having an incredible conversation today...I remember that I have been lucky to experience life to the fullest....whether it's painful...or joyful..it's been experiences.  I have this thing about experiences. I want to life life by the fullest.  I want to say...I felt this..I had this...I did this.  And by allowing myself to experience those things I am able to have a "moment".  Because when you have a moment...like these...you appreciate the beauty that darkness brings. You appreciate that light that comes into your life.  You are grateful for the positive energy that your life has...whether it be the people in your life, the experiences you have, or the realization that you are living your life..by your rules, your terms, your beliefs, and your values.  It's a feeling of empowerment that is indescribable.

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