Wednesday, January 20, 2016

It might just make their day

I started up an interesting list for myself.  It's experiences I have had or I have shared with Jeremy.  It almost seems like a want/need list fullfilled/bucket list/ fascinating things I've done....kinda rolled into one.  I am rather enjoying doing the list. It made my day.   After such a meaningful conversation with people I love, I feel a happiness.  Friends and family alike.  Some of which kinda jump between the two.  Today was that kind of conversation.  We were talking about different levels in relationships, between spouses, parents, and friends.  I see why someone who can't be themselves with people who are the closest to them can feel so confining.  Part of my relationship I did that to myself with Jeremy but not showing him all elements.  He did.  But I was too afraid.  And I don't hold back.  It is so freeing.  I get self doubt still.  But I have so many people in my head that remind me that self doubt's argument is invalid.  And I have my own voice telling me that I truly am this person of value.  What a difference.  It seems so simple.  It seems simple now or the door opened to me finally having an epiphany or aha moment.  I see it now.  But that self doubt makes us question things.  Last night, I was having a conversation with an old friend from my military days.  Actually, I was a military wife at the time I knew him.  I split with Woody but there are a handful of friends I kept in touch with after the divorce.  And that conversation came up.  Self doubt.  How prevalent it can be with anyone after negative reinforcement is given.  Sad, really.  But we believe because they come from a space we thought was safe....and people say shitty things to each other.  By that same token, I actually got to know a compliment my ex husband paid me.  I'm so used to the disdain my ex husband and I have for each other that once upon a time we thought very highly of each other and I forgot about that.  It was nice to hear that I was complimented.  Don't make an empty compliment.  Say it if you mean it.  But it's free.  It doesn't cost to give that compliment.  It might just make their day.

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