Friday, June 10, 2016

Beautiful people

Embrace.  Cherish.  Hold dear those beautiful people that teach you so much.  That love and accept you no matter what.  That are there for the tears, just as much as the smiles.  They are priceless. I saw a post yesterday that I saved.  I love it.  Such simple and profound words.  And the beautiful part is it applied to any type of relationship.  And if you don't have beautiful people in your life, know in the quite space of life, there is at least one that cherishes you.  I will never know who you are.  But I don't need to.  I cherish you reading my inner thoughts.  I cherish that you want to know what I think.  That is so meaningful for me.  Because I've struggled so many years thinking anyone wanted to know what I had to say.  But I see that my voice means something.  All I had to do was see with my heart, not with my eyes.  So beautiful people....thank you.  I'll never tire of telling you.

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