Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Finding my new groove

I am excited about my new groove.  I have a second assignment lined up.  However, I do have to be mindful of how how much energy I put everywhere.  I also don't want to wear myself think.  I have sometimes worn myself out by doing too much.  I am getting organized in many ways.  I started a House Management binder to keep up with schedules.  While I still have my phone, it will be nice to have it written down somewhere.  Since my paychecks won't exactly be breaking the bank, I figured I could use them to treat Jeremy and I places.  I want to take us to Comic Con.  David Tennant and Billie Piper will be there.  It would cost #150.00 to get an autograph with him.  As much as I like him, I can't realistically rationalize anything to myself that would pay for that.  But I did think we could cosplay.  I suppose I have to be in the position to really know.  Is it weird I like living life simple? Don't get me wrong.  I like us splurging here and there.  I love traveling.  I would love to pay for a trip for us.  I think I will work in steps.  Vegas.  A cruise.  Then, the big one.  At least, that's my plan. But on a daily part of our life, I like simple.    But that's the important part.  Finding my new groove.  I still have hot lunch dates with Jeremy.  We have one today later.  I also did my wants/needs bath.  I had a fantastic sleep last night.  I felt so refreshed this morning.  I figured I would rest so I could be ready for tomorrow.  I have also been watching Chelsea., her Netflix series.  It's actually quite informative as well as entertaining.  And she said it quite simply..."Insecurity is the worst".  Especially, because in some ways, we all have them.  I can only imagine, even the Narcissist.  At least in that sense, I always feel those with that disorder and overcompensating for things lacking in their life.  I have met a handful of those.  It's not pretty.  I did reflect that in some ways, we all have that sense of narcissism.  But we incorporate and are mindful of others, usually.  Or at least not to a point where it is too self absorbing.  I once told Jeremy I am a brat.  And He is selfish.  They aren't pretty parts of us.  But in the end, we compromise.  I love making Jeremy happy.  And he loves making me happy.  That blanket of wanting to make each other happy and on a consistent basis, I think has been an important part of our marriage.  Has it teetered at times? Yes! Which is why I hope it usually stays at a balance.  It can't always.  Life doesn't always allow for that.  But somehow, someway, I would hope balance is part of a relationship.  If I got my way all the time, it wouldn't be fair.  And vice versa for Jeremy.  Balance.  Do you have it in your friendship? In your relationship? Something to think about? Just thoughts running through my mind today as I am finding my new groove.

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