Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Coming into your own

Lessons learned helps us to grow and develop.  Through our experiences both painful and joyful moments in our life help us to discover things about ourselves.  It's something to think about today as you go through your day today.  What monumental moments were crossroads? What moments were pivotal in your journey? Sometimes my pivotal moments came in the form of people.  Sometimes it came in the form of an event.  Sometimes they were tied together.  I am still on this journey as I am still sure you are in your own journey.  But we don't walk it alone.  We don't talk.  Yet, there is a sense of listening in the stillness that we walk together.  And somewhere you, my quiet spaces, find something you learn about yourself.  And so do I.  I don't need to know that I helped you learn something.  I don't even need to know that you found something about yourself or learned something.  I just need to know that my thoughts matter.  And every day, Monday through Friday, you show me that.  As you are coming into your own, think about your journey.  Think of everything you went through.  It might be a reference manual for someone.  It might be a way to look back and see your own evolution.  Either way, I am proud of you.  That you walked out the door and did "your thing." You come here for a reason.  I hope you get out as much as I do.  I learn about myself constantly.  And blogging is just another part of my journey and story. 

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