Wednesday, February 3, 2016

You fight

A conversation about fighting for what you believe in.  Whether it's person or a way of thinking.  You fight.  You fight for it because it's that important.  I fight is also you standing up for yourself.  I stand up and am unapologetic about being a silly fairy that sees herself as a beautiful unicorn.  I mean, this is magical.  And yet, in my own way...I see that magic that I give to others. Simply by being myself.  You fight for it.  You don't need to justify.  As a friend just said....Don't be ashamed of you.  Do your thing.  What beautiful and simple words but so profound.  We all come to a different time to figure that out.  I am almost 40 and I just came into my own.  You fight for you.  You fight for someone you think is worth it.  You fight for what works for you.  Because in the end, no one knows the rewards and consequences of your life...better than you.

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