Friday, May 13, 2016

Different names, different roles

Inspiration, mentor, relations arsenal, emotional sponsor, teacher, friend therapist, older sister, maternal figure, aunt, insightful person, person that checks in with you.    These are all different names for me.  These are all different roles.  This is my purpose.  I often wonder my purpose when I have my self doubt moments.  But seeing as I am an important part of people's support system, my purpose is to be there for you.  Even you, quiet spaces.  I am a reference for you.  By reading my blog, maybe you think of things to do in your life, or what not to do, seeing as how I might have had a bad experience.  It may be as I like to see it, information for the decision tree.  It helps to have the information in order to make an accurate enough decision.  Whether based on emotional or logical.  And here's a bonus.  You don't just get me.  You get Jeremy.  A grounded and logical man.  Granted, his logic has a clumsiness to it.  But he is a friend for the ages.  I am biased.  But he is the best friend I could ever have.  Man or woman.  Above everyone, he is my best friend.  And I trust and respect his opinion.  Only now, I also trust mine.  Slowly.  Experiences make us question things.  It's up to us to learn from them and react in a positive way.  I saw a movie recently that has been told so many times over.  But a quote seemed new.  And not so new.  Have courage.  And be kind.  What simple but powerful words.  I am for you what you need to me every day that you read me.Entertainment.    Whether I am just part of your routine day.  Whether I am like distant friend where you read my interesting and very raw thoughts and experiences.  Whether I am a reference manual.  I have different names for anyone and everyone that reads this blog. I have different roles.  Whether in this blog or in the real world.  I thank you for seeing my value.  For seeing I have something to say.  I am an eloquent writer in my opinion.  I have a way with words.  I have been told as such.  But I know on my own that I am.  And it makes me smile.  I will never tire of thanking you for reading my thoughts.  I am human.  And so I will feel and experience life and its many ups and downs.  Whether friendship ups and downs, marriage ups and downs, inner turmoil, or strides in life.  And all the in between.  And so I write them down.  Everlasting Love by Danny Wright is on. I hold my head up high remembering that purpose.  Each day is different.  Sometimes the inner demons like to fight with me.  Sometimes they like to snuggle.  I don't know if they will fully be gone.  What I do know is that my rape changed me.  It defined me.  And then it didn't.  My story is a story to be told.  Whether by word of mouth, blog, or maybe one day writing my experience down.  For now, maybe writing a story with adventure is a manifestation of that.  Still figuring out that story.  There's a story to be told.  I just don't know the direction.  I guess time will tell.

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