Friday, July 8, 2016

Having my system

I like structure.  I recognize structure will not always be there as Life happens.  But whenever I can have it, I do like structure.  Which is why I am enjoying my system, per se.  The Dance by Janie Becker is on.  And that system in place is my housewifey mode and work mode.  I work today.  But I needed to get housewife mode on first. I am getting in the habit of having breakfast again.  Probably because I am getting up a little early sometimes.  I nap whenever I can.  I love power naps.  I used to listen to a friend rave about their naps.  Granted, they had what seemed like a grueling job.  But I don't think I quite saw the dazzle of a nap, until I find myself just getting in power naps to make sure I have my body keep up.  I am also working out more.  Swimming and walking.  I got a new game too that will help with the walking.  Don't judge.  But Jeremy and another friend convinced me to try Pokemon Go.  And I like it. lol Even my fun has a system per se.  I got a couple more games for Jeremy and I to play on the Xbox 360.  And my silly friend AP got me hooked on Leverage.  What is interesting is the actor Christian Kane also plays Jacob Stone on Librarians.  What is more interesting is I have a crush on both fictional actors now.  What's even more interesting is I have a friend that is actually friends with him.  Craziness!!! So, a system.  I love our Chromecast.  And now that I have Netflix on my phone, if I have some time to wait somewhere, I am netflixing.  Or reading.  I hope I lax up a bit on my need to so much structure.  But it's in my nature.  Years of not having my life in control with do that.  Luckily, I have such an amazing support system.  I even think immersing myself (because I liked it on my own terms) in Jeremy's world actually helped our relationship.  I sometimes felt like an outsider with his world.  I'm a newbie in some ways.  But I am part of that world.  I truly am a dork.  And I love it.  I take each day as a gift.  Whether God, or the Universe....depends on the day....One is male form to me...the other is female.  I thank God or the Universe for another day to share my sparkle and shine.  I am Queen Sparkles.  It's kinda my new handle for things too, if I can help it.  Squirly or Queen Sparkles.  So if you see that name without spaces in Pokemon Go, that's me.  Have a beautiful Friday.  I hope you feel meaning today.  I hope you feel many things today.  I hope you smile.  I hope you make someone smile.  Oh wait...You at least made one so far. Me.  Now shoo...and be awesome, my quiet spaces.  Be the awesome saucyness I know you can be.  Because whether you know it or not, you are gift to me.  

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