Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Positive reinforcment

Like anything that needs practice positive reinforcement is important.  I feel like a badass these days.  I am radiating as most people seem to notice.  I sound happier because I am happier inside.  My inside is starting to parallel my outside.  But...demon voices and insecurities will always be there.  That is why it's important to have a support system that believes in you and loves you unconditionally.  I goofed up yesterday in a group chat.  I've never actually used one before and hadn't thought it through about including people or removing them if they wanted to be out of the conversation.  My old insecurities were creeping up of how I tend to f*ck things up.  And what happens? My tribe members expressed frustration at the situation at hand but still showed me unconditional love.  I am struggling with someone used to be in my inner circle.  Our communication is misstepped.  I can't even explain the amount communication mis haps we have had.  I'm heartbroken about it, really.  Angel Eyes is on.  Ever get a song that just calms you? That would be the song.  Especially since I am writing the mishaps of life.  I am not always going to make everyone happy all times of the day.  It's a reality.  But I do my best my best and put my best foot forward with as much kindness and grace as I possibly can. Positive reinforcement is important.  It's easy to fall into the traps of negativity.  Insecurities can create problems that don't exist.  I allowed a friend to "poke the bear".  I really get exhausted by the experience.  I don't necessarily get mad inside but it's unpleasant.  But I trust them so while I don't like it if I were to ask for a complete stop or pause, it would happen.  It did, however, make me realize the amount of assumptions I make in a negative way.  It's not just discrediting myself.  I discredit myself by thinking that people might think the worst of me.  That insecurity of well...I screw things up again.  Last night was an example of thinking the worst.  And yet, between last night and this morning I had members "gently fuss" at me but accepted my poor judgement and moved on.  One told me they loved me.  One texted just to clarify that all was well because chances are they know my emotional trigger complications, and one this morning who said to ask permission to include but once they said their peace...was fine with me.  I'm very lucky to have these people in my life.  

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