Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Long friendships

I felt really old with a conversation where I was pointing out we had been friends for 22 years.  But it made me think about surviving things with my friends.  We have all had fights or fall outs.  So what is it about these crazy long friendships that we stick it out.  History? Mutual affection? I applaud the friendships I have, whether I see them all the time or just once a year.  The idea that we are still trying to forge a friendship makes me happy.  I have my close friends.  But then I have friends who knew me with my maiden name.  Or even my second married name. Sheesh. I am really admitting I have married 3 times.  Third time is the charm! For me, being able to say I have been friends with people for over 5 years says something about us.  That no matter the circumstances, we wanted to stay in each other's lives.  I like that.  It is a reflection of our character, I would think.  So, to the old friends you have...smile.  Appreciate what they bring to your journey.  They play a big part of your journey.  And sometimes, they might just remind you to get back on the journey and smile more.  For they have seen you at your best...and worst.  And sometimes you aren't like you were before.  That doesn't change the meaningfulness of the friendship between ya'll.  It just means that at this point in time, you're in a different space.  And that's okay

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