Thursday, December 24, 2015

Perhaps a tangent

Honestly, anything with me could be construed as a tangent. lol I do go off on squirrel trails.  Although, I do my best to keep focus on subject or things at hand.  Perhaps, a tangent...this entry still applies.  A conversation this morning struck up so many other thoughts in my mind.  I was thinking about perception, perspective, and finally about saying things on my mind, just to get them out of my head.  That's something I didn't quite do before.  I tried but I always seemed to come off of it with feelings.  Now, I approach them as a subject to be broken down.  The approach has been different.  And so here I was this morning, having another one of my wonderful morning talks with Jeremy.  I talked about a strange dream I had.  Random people can sometimes invade your dreams.  And you have to wonder exactly what that means, if anything.  But after that, I was thinking about perspective.  Perhaps I was thinking of that line of thought because my tradition is to watch It's a Wonderful Life today.  And certainly, a movie like that can bring perspective.  I was also thinking of clarification and authentic too.  I have a favorite words list where some words just make me happy, so to speak.  I like how they play out annunciation wise and then, by meaning.  I almost took a break from the blogging.  And then thought...why not? Why not have an entry today? Some will have wonderful memories today and tomorrow.  And some will not.  I know of one such friend today.  I imagine because of military things, military doesn't really take a break.  But in general, it made me think of the other people that don't take a break, simply because there is a holiday.  Life happens.  Funny how that saying took on a life of its own and has had such mileage.  Ah. Some phrases have definitely had mileage.  But back to perhaps a tangent being made.  I don't know what you are doing today.  I don't know what your day will be like.  But're not far from my mind, blog world.  You cover the quiet spaces of my life.  You cover a Quiet place in my life.  Where my thoughts have some wonderful, strange, and curious value. you go about your day...I am thinking of you.  You are my present.  This quiet place I put my thoughts.  I hope I positively impact your life, somehow.  Whether by Facebook, my blog, or in person.  Somewhere, somehow...I want my "magic" as a friend used to say to affect you.  Now that I am aware of it, I should continue to create that magic and let it live on.  It's not easy sometimes letting my beautiful qualities out.  I bombard myself with negative ones constantly.  But I have ammunition now.  I have my voice.  I have Jeremy's.  I have those who see my value and tell me.  And then I find myself again.  I got distracted for a minute, texting with Jeremy. Yes. I flirt with my husband lol.  We're dorks.  See? Squirrel trail.  Back to your day...whatever it brings....just know...I will be thinking of you, blog world.  For being a small part of why things have changed within me.  It's a Jess revolution.  Viva La Jess.  lol

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