Tuesday, April 12, 2016

It is said

It is said that your dreams are symbols.  Good.  Because I'd like to know what Jessica Chastain, a high school classmate, and watching some dancing meant.  And then, the next dream.  I think Little One was getting married (he'll get a kick out of that), CN, an ex best friend, Brad, an old boyfriend, and something with a gala.  I was all dressed up. So was Jeremy.  It was all kinds of weird.  I tried sleeping more because that just seemed too weird for words.  I'm tired.  I didn't sleep well. I am feeling it right now.  And when I'm like this, it's best if I'm left alone.  I get too grumpy for my own liking.  I need a nap.  I'm trying to keep my eyes open.  It's not working.  This is one of those days I am not happy go lucky.  A nap.  I think another nap is coming up.  I wish I had more for you but I'm tired.  On a good note, I was listening to some music as I was resting.  And Vanessa Mae came on.  She is a violinist.  A very accomplished one, I might add.  Long before I knew about Lindsey Sterling, I was fascinated by Vanessa Mae's violin skills.  Anyways, I was half way asleep, sorta daydreaming.  And I saw Jeremy dancing with me.  That's a big deal.  I see Jeremy doing many things with me.  But dancing really hasn't been one of them.  And then I remembered....He actually said sometime ago.  We should do dancing lessons.  I know how much that would make you happy.  That would.  I think I will keep that thought as I try to sleep again.

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