Thursday, April 14, 2016

On the upside

While I didn't get a lot of exposure, I probably feel some effects from it.  You're probably already confused what I/m talking about.  Last night, we finally got to take a look at the garage door opener clicker.  Jeremy worked on it.  I was very appreciative of that.  But he approached me and told me.."You're not going to like something. Brace yourself".  I could already sense what was going to happen so I averted my eyes enough.  I decided to nap for a few more hours before I got up for the day.  He's got another dinner fun thing.  Again, I love how Jeremy is loved and adored by more than just me.  This time to a Brazilian Steakhouse.  This will be our 3 Brazilian steakhouse.  Birthdays are a big deal in the Kearney household.  Back to the clicker.  A blue light flickers.  It was annoying.  I had a rant with him (and a rant on facebook, ) about having purple or green lights.  Companies have to do Blue or Red, colors that trigger for Epileptics.  On the upside to this, I saw how frustrating it was for my husband to have to inform me of this.  His words were..."Seriously?!".  He understands the world I am.  The frustrations of having to deal with triggers.  While this experience was annoying.  It allowed me to see that people close to me are mindful of my triggers.  And that makes my heart melt.  I try saying first world problems but it's probably my way of discrediting. (I still do discredit myself here and there. It's not completely gone).  And it was helpful to hear "D" knock me off that discredit.  She has Diabetes I.  So she understands on some levels and can relate to medical condition limitations. She's a firecracker lol.  True Colors is on.  Old song.  But I still love the song.  It's one of the those songs that ended up on the playlist of my life, if that makes sense. I woke up to it.  And started blogging.  But then, decided to finish listening to it.  Sometimes, blogging calls for more quiet type music.  And then, sometimes my blog calls for my Spotify playlist.  It's like my own playlist for life.  Some I just like because I like.  Others have more meaning or more thought to them.  Angels Fall from Breaking Benjamin is on now.  Oh, I had a Harry Potter moment yesterday. My favorite character from Criminal Minds had a Gryffindor tie on! Maybe it wasn't a house tie but I got excited seeing it.  Yes, I am in love with a fictional character. Don't judge me.  Dr. Spencer Reid is his character name.  You know me.  I like them Tall, white, and nerdy.  Remind you of someone? And usually blond.  I say usually because I've gone offroad before.  My ex boyfriends look nothing like this type. Except for RN. Anyways, I didn't like having to deal with that light.  I'm going to put in the visor so I don't ever have to deal with that light.  And if it's in my hands, I'll put it behind my head.  Jess 1 Epilepsy 0.  Bwahahaha.

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