Tuesday, March 15, 2016


I figured at some point the stress might bubble up.  It did.  There was some parsnickity on both our parts Sunday.  But we got through it. And then laughed afterwards.  I love our weirdness.  And the fact we can laugh at something as insane like this.  I am looking forward to some normalcy before the insanity really begins.  I don't think I have really processed the scope of this.  Tomorrow...on our anniversary, no less..lol sighs...there will be repair people figuring out the damage and starting the repairs.  I am not sure how long this will take.  I may have to escape a few times because of the drills.  Luckily, I have places to go.  We've been offered a couple of times a place to stay other than here.  I am touched.  Plus, friends are on overtime making me smile and laugh with silly stuff to distract me.  Operation Distract Jess, as it's being dubbed.  I appreciate it.  We even got lunch Monday.  Quiche was delicious! Jeremy is staying home from work.  While this is not the most optimal way to have him on our anniversary, I can't say I am complaining.  Holding him just helps.  It could always be a lot worse.  We could have been injured.  Just a lot of things could be different.  So bubbling was going to happen.  I just need to remember how to react to situations.  That's important to me.  So....taking one day at a time.  Life happens.  And Life reminded me that it's going to shake up my world until I figure that lesson out.  It's up to me how to learn the lesson and then apply it to life.  In all this craziness, I am actually happy.  Yes, really.  lol I am surrounded by good people.  Near...and far.  It makes this transition much easier.  I don't really want to start reorganizing until I see what the repair people are going to do.  I started the second book of Harry Potter.  I also have Red Queen which I have been curious about.  I also saw that Netflix has Hunting Ground.  The song "It could happen to you" from Lady Gaga was nominated for best score for an academy award.  It's a very powerful song.  I digress.  Poor Whiskers has had her own frazzle moments.  But she liked one of the dehumidifiers.  Jeremy dubbed it he Purr buddy.  She doesn't really like venturing out.  She mostly stays in our room.  In fact, we all kinda hang out  there right now. Blogging helps me get back to my normalcy.  My house has always been my sanctuary.  Not so much right now lol.   But it will get there again.  Sometimes you have to have something shake you to get you back on your feet, in a much better way.  And in a much better space.  It's something I thought of the last couple of days...being in the right kind of space, right mindset, and knowing what to do with it.  Until next time, my quiet space.  Things changed. Things evolved from their original meaning.  Life has a different feel to it.  And it's exactly how I want it.  I just didn't know it...or figure out how to find it.  Sometimes someone or something has to "kick your ovaries" for you to see the big picture...and continue to see other big pictures past that to understand...life just has a way of teaching you things.

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