Friday, March 25, 2016


Tomorrow is purple day.  Which means it is Epilepsy Awareness Day.  A request, if I may.  I won't know that you wore purple.  But tomorrow, can you wear something purple.  Jeremy and I plan to, out of support.  I love Burgandy.  And you know how much I love bling and shiny.  But purple took on a different meaning.  Purple helps me help people educate on Epilepsy.  It's not a mental disorder.  Many still think it is.

What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological condition which affects the nervous system. Epilepsy is also known as a seizure disorder. It is usually diagnosed after a person has had at least two seizures that were not caused by some known medical condition.  As of 2015, it is offically called a disease. A decision made by the Executive Committees of the ILAE and the International Bureau for Epilepsy. I don't know how I feel about that.  But there it is.

I have partial complex and clonic tonic

These means I have more than one disorder going.  For less severe, I have partial complex.  I am still conscious.  However, for 30 to an hour I am unable to speak to you.  My left side goes numb.  And my motor skills shut down basically.  I can still communicate with you.

Clonic-Tonic seizures are more severe.  I am completely out when I have these.  I convulse most of the time.  I drool.  I have been told that my posture seems stiff.  Especially, my hands and arms.  I went to the hospital 4? years ago. They ruled it as an unspecified seizure.  But for two days they ruled it as a strokelet.
I have memory issues.  While I don't have seizures every day, I can feel fatigued.  It's like waking up and finding your battery on 60%.  I make sure to keep my battery up, like eat right.  Work out some how.  Create less stress for myself.  I try to avoid drill sounds, like M-16s or household drill sounds, strobe lights, the headlights on the newer cars, flashy lights on shoes, especially kids, red laser lights, and flicker of any kind on television or computer.  It seems the scrolling can trigger something as well.   I do okay.  Since I have been with this condition since almost birth, I have learned to live with it. I call them my work around.  It's why I avoid driving at night.  And for the most part, driving at all, if I can help it.  Migraines can trigger a partial complex seizure.  My PCOS can also trigger a migraine, which can trigger a seizure.  I don't want pity.  I just want you to have an idea.  I am actually better off than others.  I still get to drive.  Most cannot.  I played sports. I am a bit of daredevil.  I calculate what activities are worth the risk to "live" and what activities I will avoid, for fear of a seizure.  For example, Snorkeling versus Scuba diving.  I also make sure to have a good relation with my doctor.  It's not just knowing my condition.  It's about knowing me.  So...purple.  Thank you for reading this.  It means a lot to me.

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